Here are the stories. Make sure to comment who you think has the best story!! Hurry taking votes until this Sunday!!
My best friend and I lived in the projects in buffalo,New York. At the time we was both in the 6th grade. We was 11 yrs old. We had the same reading teacher. Karen and I were at the same level in reading, so the teacher put us together and Karen and I hated this teacher. Then one day the teacher took us both back to our different classes and she pulled me aside and told me that I was a sweet girl and I should not hang around Karen. But, that made me want to hang out with more.Karen's mother was more of a mom to me then my own mother. Karen and I have been friends every since that first time so many years ago. Even living so far apart I still know when something is wrong with her ad she can tell if there is something wrong with me. That last time I got to spend time with her family was almost 5 yrs ago.
Current and future best friends: Ellie & Isabel! They're known each other from birth and if Jenn and I have anything to do with it they'll know each other and be friends the rest of their lives. :)

My best friend Leeanne Scott and I grew up next door to each other. She was 4 years younger than me so we didn't really hang out. We would just wave and say hi. It wasn't until about 6 or so years ago we reconnected on Facebook, then ended up working together. I had just lost my uncle Gerry, who was like my brother, to a motorcycle accident. He was the funniest person I ever knew. I truly believe in my heart he sent Leeanne back to me. She makes me laugh until it hurts. We share a very special bond that I have never shared with anyone aside from my own sisters. She is my soul sister. There are so many things we have in common. Like my daughter...I don't know how I ever lived without her. She would do absolutely anything for me and I would her. I don't know what I would do without her. If we won the photo shoot, it would be extremely inappropriate and comical. I really just want to share my love for my bestie. I'd much rather see Ashley again...
My best friend just had her second baby girl last week. She lives in France, and I miss her so very much. Especially in times like this. I wish I was there with her to share this incredible moment in her life, just like she was there for me when I had my little boy, almost 2 years ago. Living abroad isn't always easy, you have to leave a lot of people you love behind. But we keep in touch as much as possible, in the midst of our crazy lives. We have been friends since we were 13. She stood up for me one day when my "best friend", at the time, turn her back on me and was being pretty mean to me (you know, the way teenage girls can be...!). And we became inseparable from then. We went through highschool and college together. Even were roomies for one semester in the USA :) Even if we don't talk as much anymore, we both know we'll always be there for each other. And that's what true friendship is all about! :)
I know it's corny and everyone says it but my husband is my best friend. We met in 96'. I would come home from college in jonesboro to the big town of horseshoe bend on the weekends to work at the convenient store my mom was managing. He had just started working as a sales rep for coca-cola. Every Friday from July until November, when he finally asked me out. I was 21 at the time, he 31. My boss told him on that particular Friday, that it was his last chance, I had left the door open for 4 months and I wasn't waiting any longer for him to ask me out. So he did, took me to little rock and scalped tickets to a KISS concert, I knew he was the "one" that night. Later I did find out from his mom(who we miss everyday since passing), that he had talked about me nonstop during that time but with the age difference was uncertain about asking me out-- 17 years later I am so glad he did. I cannot begin to express how blessed I have been by GOD to have mike as my husband. He has been my best friend since that date. I tell him everything. He supports me in anything I choose to do, ESP with my recent 35# weight loss- he keeps the kids so I can go workout, helps me be accountable in food choices, lets me pick restaurants on my day off, etc. not only is he a super husband but fantastic father, so hands on with our two kids. He cooks, cleans, laundry, outside chores, u name it-- we are a team in everything we do. Most recently he rearranged his work schedule so I can go the 28th to St. Louis for 5 days while my dad has surgery for his cancer. Don't get me wrong, there are days I want to strangle his neck while I tell him how much I love him lol. But we have a bond and communication I have never had with anyone, I have my girlfriends but its different with him. For once a man puts me first, and now he does his family. We work and live for our kids, working around each others schedule to make sure one of us is always home with our kids, we have been blessed to do this for 10 years. There are struggles and not a lot left over for extras often but time is what we want most. I would just love to win this giveaway for him, for the man who everyday for 17 years tells me I am beautiful(ESP when I was overweight) and that he loves me. Our last pictures together was when we were dating, last family pictures was 08'. Please, please, please pick us. Thank you for listening to our story, One of my fav sayings- "every story is beautiful but ours is my favorite"... GOD BLESS!!!

My Best Friend is my Wife Julie, it all started back in the summer of 1983. I was working in Cave City putting in the new 3 lane that goes through there now. I met my her at the convenience store one day at lunch time, and we started talking and became just friend with both of us being married at the time. We became really close fast do to the fact we both were in bad marriages, so we had a lot in common, and yes we both said if we wasn't married things could be more than Friends. After spending the whole summer meeting and talking at the Park and other places we became Best Friends for one simple fact we had someone we could talk to about our problems at home and other things. We never thought about what would happen after the job was done and I left Cave City, but it did. By summers end I was filing for divorce, but she had told me she was going to try one more time to save Her marriage, so we parted. I started working in Hardy, and had to make deliveries in Evening Shade and Batesville almost every weekend, and every time I went through I looked for her car. Little did we know it, but she was working just less than a 1/4 of a mile down the road on the other side. I would go home one way and she would go home the other way. One weekend 8 years later I made a delivery to Evening Shade and met my Client at the Bank, and as I sat waiting a car pulled into the Post Office beside the Bank. The Woman got out and I said to myself I know that Woman, so when she came out I looked again and said it again even though it was at a distance, it was just the way she walked and looked. She pulled out and head down the road in front of the Bank, and as she drove by I tooted my horn and waved. She told me it would drive her crazy wondering who that was if she didn't turn around and see, so she did. She pulled into the Bank and parked beside me, and as soon as she got out I knew who it was...Julie my long lost Best Friend. We started talking and haven't stop talking yet, and are coming up on 12 years together.
Dana has been my best friend since we were 12. That's 15 years of friendship that still going strong today. I couldn't tell you how we meet or how we became friends. It's as if we showed up in each others' lives and never left. She and I have been through almost every experience life has to offer,the good and the bad from boys, love and heart break, pesky little brothers, and family. We've had our share of fights too, but that only goes to prove that we've only made our friendship stronger. I know we count on each other for anything. Someone once wrote that friends is the family we choose. That's what Dana and I are, family, sisters--even if we aren't blood related. As life has taken course we always make an effort to spend sometime together. As autumn approaches so does the anniversary of one the best relationship I've ever had. It would mean the world to us if we were the winners of your contest and allow us to have new memories captured forever.
So me and my best friend from high school went through high school not liking each other. We both had the same kind of sports car and people were telling each of us things that the other was supposed to be saying about the other.....well a mutual friend of both of ours ended up getting me to go to Danita's house and we got together and talked and found out people had been lying to each of us and so we switched cars and went to town driving each others cars and almost caused several weeks because people couldn't believe their eyes. Now I can't imagine my life without Danita in it!! We keep in touch even though we live in different towns in Arkansas!!!!
So Jen and I met 10 years ago. I had just started dating Garrick and she had been a friend of his family since forever. She tells the story saying she didn't like me when we first met, lol. See, I was 17 and had pretty much just moved to the area. I didn't know many people. I was shy, quiet and reserved and she was anything but. I couldn't tell you the exact day or first time we hung out but when we did, we just clicked. She's totally my other half! Jen, being her usual outgoing, loud mouth self has helped me open myself up. We were together almost all the time. Once, I tried to teach her how to drive a 5 speed. It was a disaster! We would always be on the lake, shopping or just hanging out. After a few years of our friendship, like a lot of friends, we had a major fight. We lost touch for a little while and she moved to Texas with her new husband. I will never forget when she called, telling me she was moving back and wanted me to be in her wedding. I was so excited and relieved. We were back together! Things were different now though. She was married and just had a baby. Gone, were our care free days of doing whatever we wanted. We were growing up, but that didn't matter to us! We always made time for each other, whether we made girl time for manicures, shopping and lake time or if it were just hanging around the house watching crazy youTube videos or doing homework for college. One night, we were on the computer watching people scaring others on YouTube and we got this crazy idea. Remember Scream? Well we got a scream mask and a butcher knife and drove to scare our nieces and nephews. We took video of the whole thing, laughing it up the whole time. When we are together, honestly you never know what could happen. Now, ten years down the road, I am getting married and she will be right there by my side! There is no one else who I would rather have next to me. We will always be friends because she is the peanut to my butter, the flip to my flop, the glaze on my doughnut and most importantly, the best to my friend!!!
Thanks to all who entered!!! GOOD LUCK!!